Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"好久不写" " Long Time No Write"

哇,好久没上来写部落格了。真不好意思,最近没什么东西分享,所以停笔很久,不好意思 (跟读者和自己道歉)。

野狗还是老样子,拼命追求梦想, 在追着的时候当然遇到困难跟烦恼。在这个过程中, 野狗还在寻找着自己,相信不久可以找到我的靠岸。有一位朋友说又看到我的部落格,但可惜的是他不会看华语,那么如果我有时间的话,应该可以再翻译成英文,应该可以加强写英文吧 (我知道我写华文都有点困难, 还要写英文, 我的妈呀!)我会全力以赴的!

前几天野狗做完工后, 除了期待回去舒服的家之外(虽然新家还没完成装修,但还很怀念自己的床,毕竟床还是没变啊!),还有最期待的是我家自己煮的…鸡饭!浓厚pandan香味,用心煮的白滑鸡, 加上原汁原味煮的鸡汤…实在想吃多几碗~!

下次再有机会的话,会拍些爸爸的拿手菜 !^^

Wow , didn't write my blog for ages. Apologies to my readers and myself for not writing for so long.

I'm still the old self, chasing my dreams. During my journey I did have some obstacles and mind troubling stuffs ahead, and also I'm still finding "myself" in this journey. But I believing myself that I'll find my own path sooner or later. One of my friend said that he did saw my blog...the thing is my blog was written in Mandrin. I'm sure I'll translate it to english, if I got the time, at the same time can help me to write better English ( Hope it doesn't make me feel frustrated as my written Mandrin was also a problem , haha ~!) I'll do my best alright ~!

Few days ago, what I'm expecting that other than going home after work, there's something that makes me want to go home more ...Homemade Chicken Rice !Strong aroma of Pandan, the tenderness of the white chicken meat, and above it all the pure taste of essence of chicken soup...thinking of it makes me wanna eat now!

I will snap my dad's best homecook food when there's a chance ~!^^

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


看完後 , 相信你也會有所感觸 .....
看完它 很有意思!


野狗自从搬了家后都没什么运动了,看到自己的“西瓜”越来越大,无论怎样都找一天打篮球了,毕竟野狗在香港买了一双篮球鞋到现在都没穿过,不能让它呆在箱子里面了!结果昨晚就找了时间晚上九点在 “大港” 篮球场。

感觉有刺激又害怕:刺激是看到人潮满多,害怕是这么久没打篮球,反应肯定比以前慢得多!心想打了篮球才算吧!以人数来说大比赛刚刚好,就轮流打一场比赛。换衣服, 换新鞋, 做热身, 开场咯~!

原本想运动而已, 不用打得那么认真, 结果还是拼命抢球射球。已经很多次都看到球,却反应不过来给敌方抢去了,打几场,输几场!但从这个运动中找回我失去的东西…那就是无论有多困难的情景,都要继续拼下去, 怎样都要想办法去投篮进球。但需要达到这个目标不只是我一个人, 所以团体精神是最大重点,所以这场比赛我并不孤独, 我还有朋友一起打拼!

人的生活也是一样道理吧,人生都需要目标,而达到这个目标也需要朋友的支持跟相助, 才能完成你的理想根梦想~!

ps: 看来我要多多运动了~! =p

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Love is...

Love is something that makes your heart beats 10 times faster than normal heartbeat

Love is you'll think of someone everywhere you go

Love is making you say and do silly things in front of the one you loved

Love is whenever she made a mistake, you will admit that is yours to blame

Love is something will made you laugh, cry, angry, and happy because you care about her

Love is making the one you loved laugh just to see her smile

And from you I've learned what love is...